Creating Strong Foundations,Developing Curious Minds
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Vision Values Worship

Our school values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

Our Vision

Our school vision is:

'Creating Strong Foundations, Developing Curious Minds' / 'Creu Sylfeni Cryf, Datblygu Meddyliau Chwilfrydig'



Christian Values

We teach Christian values through our RVE and collective worship. These values include:




The values are delivered through a two-year cycle:


Cycle A: 2024/2025

Autumn: Respect, Peace,

Spring: Compassion, Courage,

Summer: Justice, Thankfulness


Cycle B: 2023/2024

Autumn: Trust, Humility,

Spring: Truthfulness, Perseverance,

Summer: Forgiveness, Responsibility. 

Each day, our children gather together for collective worship. This can be as a whole school, in Progression Steps or in classes. Assemblies may be led by members of the clergy, school staff and pupils.


We welcome external agencies in to school to lead assemblies where appropriate and welcome parents in to assemblies and concerts throughout the year.


Our assemblies are often values based, linked to the liturgical calendar or about a current event. They include prayer and moments of reflection.
