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Late Arrivals


The classroom doors will be closed at 9.00am. Any pupils arriving after this time must enter the building via the main entrance and be signed in as a late arrival.




If your child is absent from school, on the first morning of absence you must provide the school office with a reason before 9.30am. This can be via a parent's ParentMail mobile app, by telephone or email or in person. This also helps us to ensure children have arrived safely at school and that parents are indeed aware of any absences.

If the absence continues for more than one day, you must keep the school informed.


If a parent does not provide a reason for their child's absence, an unauthorised absence is documented in their school record. 


Persistent absenteeism (truancy) can result in a visit from the School Welfare Officer. Parents cannot authorise absences.


Medical Appointments

Please try to make your child's routine medical appointments, e.g. dentist check-ups, for after school or in school holidays. We understand however that some medical appointments are unavoidable during school hours. If you know your child is going to be absent for a medical appointment, please let the school know in advance by telephone or by sending a note into school. 


Holidays during term time

Parents must apply for permission in advance to withdraw their child from school for a holiday, even for one day.

A term time absence form should be completed and returned to the school office, marked for the attention of the headteacher. The headteacher will review the form and make the decision whether to record as authorised or unauthorised  absence. The link for the term-time absence form is: Forms | Magor CIW Primary School (


We are required to publish the school’s recorded authorised and unauthorised absences.

Attendance - Why does it matter?

Why is it Important to attend School?

  • Children only get one chance at school.  If they do not attend school regularly they may not be able to keep up with schoolwork.
  • Setting a good pattern of attendance from an early age will help your child develop resilience.  Children who have a poor school attendance have less chance of achieving their full potential.
  • Research has shown that some young people who regularly miss school for no good reason may be drawn into anti-social behaviour or crime.

Anyone with attendance below 90% is now considered a persistent absentee.

What does a session or a whole day off look like as a percentage?



Days missed from school




















School Procedures

  • Parents are asked to notify school using the  ParentMail app, email or telephone before 9.30am on the first day of a child’s absence giving a clear reason.
  • If we have not heard from a parent on the first day of absence, we will contact you.

What Does the Law Say?

  • All children of compulsory school age (between 5 and 16) must get a suitable full-time education.  As a parent you are responsible for making sure this happens.
  • You are responsible for making sure your child attends regularly.
  • If your child fails to attend school regularly – even if they miss school without you knowing – the Local Education Authority may take action against you.

 What About Authorised Absences?

  • There may be times when your child is too ill to attend school this is to be expected.
  • They may also have to go to the doctors or the dentist, but these appointments should be made OUTSIDE school hours wherever possible.
  • Pupils may attend sporting events or attend alternative educational provision.

What About Holidays?

  • We are committed to securing excellent attendance for our pupils so that they have the best possible chance for success. We are also committed to upholding the legal requirements for compulsory school attendance, following Welsh Government guidance. (Please note that this differs from English guidance and processes).

  • Parents must, in law, apply for permission in advance to withdraw a pupil from school for a holiday. Each request will be considered on an individual basis and may result in an unauthorised absence.

  • Exceptional and extenuating circumstances may include; holiday requests from parents employed by the MoD, holidays due to religious beliefs, holidays due to specific diagnosed additional needs or absence due to bereavement.



What Happens if My Child Does Not Attend School Regularly?

  • The school will send initial letters.
  • If attendance does not improve a meeting will be held with parents/carers and the headteacher.
  • If attendance does not improve the school will refer the child to the Education Welfare Service. A meeting will be made with the Education Welfare Officer and support will be offered.
  • If improvements are not made prosecution proceedings may be started and parents can be fined or imprisoned for failing to ensure that their child attends school regularly.


  • Pupils who arrive late for school disrupt the lesson and miss an important part of the school day. It can cause anxiety and children can miss out on vital learning.
  • Please ensure that your child is in school on time. Gates from 8:50-9.00am.




You can access attendance information and support on our school website:

Late/Absence/Attendance | Magor CIW Primary School





