As a Church in Wales Primary School, we have close links with St. Mary's Church in Magor.
A letter from Cannon Jeremy Harris:
As the Ministry Area Leader for the Magor Ministry Area it is a pleasure for me to welcome you to our website and thank you for the interest you are showing in Magor Church In Wales Primary School. The school is an important part of our ministry and it is a great honour and delight for us to be involved in differing aspects of school life.
Either myself or one of my colleagues visit the school each week to lead collective worship and church members are involved in supporting the school in a number of key ways e.g. by being members of the governing body, the PTA, helping with fundraising, listening to children read… and in many other ways. Each term the children come to St Mary’s Church in Magor to celebrate important occasions in both the church calendar and school year. Each term we hold a Eucharist (Communion/ Mass) service for the older children and we actively encourage them, if they wish to take communion.
As a church school we are proud to be part of the worldwide family of the Christian church and the school has links with the Diocese of Monmouth and the Church In Wales. We have recently twinned with the parish of Germiston in the Diocese of the Highveld in South Africa and we look forward as a school to developing links with primary schools in this part of the world.
We are a church school but we are also fully inclusive. Children from families of all denominations, faiths and none are warmly welcomed and encouraged to be part of our school family. This is an important part of our ethos and we thrive on diversity of belief and culture.
Our Religious Education (RE) syllabus is formed around seventeen key values: courage, creativity, peace, trust, forgiveness, justice, thankfulness, compassion, friendship, hope, truthfulness, humility, generosity, respect & reverence, service and responsibility. These are much more than ‘topics’ to be learnt and form the bedrock of the values which we seek to nurture in our children, providing them with a strong foundation for the rest of their lives.
With best wishes
Rev Jeremy Harris