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Pupil Deprivation PDG

Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG)

Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) & Funding


Schools in Wales are given funding on a 'per pupil' basis specifically to support and ensure comparable progress for all pupils in receipt of Free School Meals. Schools have to draw up detailed plans on how they will spend this money and then they have to show the progress that each pupil has made against the spending. All schools are required to publish the following information on their website about their PDG Funding:

  • The school’s current (2023/4) Free School Meal population is around 15% of our pupils.

  • This is a slight decrease on the previous year due to a change in the pupil population of the school.

  • The school uses PDG funding to support pupils who currently receive Free School Meals (eFSM), prioritising those with the greatest need.

  • The school undertakes the following activities in order to support pupils facing the challenges of poverty and deprivation:

    • Appointing a member of the Senior Leadership Team to lead on supporting and monitoring progress of pupils in receipt of Free School Meals including 1-2-1 working, intervention and mentoring programmes;

    • Purchase of resources to support this work

    • Training in literacy and numeracy intervention for TAs to support this role

    • Staff training on building resilience in learners

  • The school’s PDG and Education Achievement Grant plans are regularly scrutinised by the Governing Body, supported by advice from the EAS (Educational Achievement Service) and monitored by the Local Authority.


If you think you may be eligible for your child to receive Free School Meals follow the link below. 

Free School Meals & School Essentials Grant - Monmouthshire 


This can give you information on how to get help with school essentials. 


School Essentials Grant:


You can use the grant to pay for:

  • school uniforms, coats and footwear
  • sports equipment and kit
  • equipment for school activities, including musical lessons, outdoor learning and after school clubs
  • classroom essentials, including pens, pencils and school bags
  • equipment and materials for new subjects or courses
Please read the information below which gives details of our pupil deprivation grant and how we allocate the funding.