These are our Pupil Leadership Teams and their 'Super North Star' or Vision:
Wellbeing Warriors:
“We explore the best ways to support our school's wellbeing and mental health. We think it's very important to look after both the inside and the outside of your body. We share the importance of this with our fellow pupils and help them with ways to do this.”
Criw Cymraeg:
“We will encourage pupils and staff to speak more Welsh. We will share our own enthusiasm for our language and spread it to others.”
“Byddwn yn annog disgyblion a staff i siarad mwy o Gymraeg. Byddwn yn rhannu ein brwdfrydedd dros ein hiaith ac yn ei lledaenu i eraill.”
WAVE Team: Worship, Assemblies, Values, Equality Team: | |
“We will help people understand more about our school values and build their faith by listening to the voices of everyone in school, asking big questions and planning fun, creative and interactive activities and areas of prayer and reflection.”
Young Climate Leaders:
Senydd Ysgol:
"We will be carrying out missions, gathering opinions on a wide range of issues and feeding our findings back to the Welsh Government. We will ensure that our school is a safe and happy place for all pupils.
We will make sure pupils have a place to voice their concerns, opinions and thoughts. We will be planning lots of fun activities to raise money for charities we would like to support.”
Curriculum Champions:
“We will make sure that learning is fun and interesting for everybody in our indoor and outdoor classrooms. We will be involved in deciding how our school will develop the New Curriculum for Wales by ensuring that pupil’s voices and opinions are heard.”
Digital Leaders: “We are enthusiastic about technology and want to provide assistance to our teachers and peers, to support everyone in accessing the digital curriculum. We will help everyone to understand how they can stay safe online and increase the impact of ICT/computing in school.”