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Uniform Information

School Uniform


Please label ALL clothing with child's name and class to prevent loss. Jewellery is not permitted for health and safety reasons and only one stud per ear should be worn at any time. Earrings must be removed for school swimming lessons as instructed by Monmouthshire County Council.


Preloved uniform can be found in our school foyer where jumpers, polo shirts etc can be found and a small donation made if you choose. If you are struggling with school essentials you can also apply for a grant which may help. You can find more information here: Get help with school essentials - Monmouthshire 


Nursery uniform is the same as the main school uniform, however it is not compulsory for nursery children to wear school uniform.


Suggested Winter Uniform

Pale blue polo shirt

Navy sweatshirt or cardigan

Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore slip

Grey or white socks, grey tights

Black Shoes (low heeled)


Suggested Summer Uniform

Pale blue polo shirt

Grey shorts

Pale blue/white check dress

Navy sweatshirt or cardigan

Black closed toe sandals or shoes


Suggested P.E. Kit

Yellow t-shirt

Navy blue or black shorts

Navy blue or black jogging bottoms (for outdoors PE only and optional)

Black or White trainers or plimsolls


Jogging bottoms or trainers are not allowed to be worn except for PE.  No child is allowed to wear jewellery other than plain stud ear studs.  Body piercing of any kind, make-up including nail varnish, body tattoos and extreme hairstyles are not allowed.  During P.E. sessions ear studs should be removed or taped and watches removed for health and safety reasons. All earrings must be removed for school swimming lessons.



You can order school uniform using the PTFA Online Uniform Shop with Price & Buckland - delivery direct to parents. Alternatively you can purchase from local supermarkets and clothing shops. 

Below is a link for the service if you wish to purchase school uniform from Price & Buckland for home delivery.

