Creating Strong Foundations,Developing Curious Minds
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School Development Plan

Our School Development Plan


What is a School Development Plan?

Every school has a School Development Plan. The school development plan (SDP) is the school’s strategic plan for improvement. It sets out the actions a school will take to improve learner outcomes. A SDP will be informed by the regular self-evaluation a school undertakes of its own performance and contextual data, and will contain the school’s improvement priorities together with short- and longer-term targets.


Our targets for 2023/24 are:


  • Develop the use of high quality learning environments and contexts to support authentic learning experiences for all pupils. 
  • To refine the breadth, quality and purpose of Expressive Arts opportunities across the school to improve pupil outcomes 
  • To raise standards in the teaching and learning of Welsh. 
  • Refine the breadth and quality of digital competence skills across the school to improve pupil outcomes. 
  • Use Assessment for Learning strategies (AFL) consistently across the school to accelerate progress.


These have been determined by us as a school by considering the pupils' needs, staff views and actions arising from our monitoring cycle.
